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Month to Month Leasing

Having month-to-month leases in a building can have both advantages and disadvantages when you are trying to sell it. The decision to have month-to-month leases should align with your overall sales strategy and the preferences of potential buyers. Here are some considerations:


1. Flexibility for Buyers:

- Month-to-month leases provide flexibility for both investors and owner/users. Investors may appreciate the ability to reposition the property or negotiate longer-term leases based on their investment strategy. Owner/users, on the other hand, might find it easier to take possession of the property for their own use.

2. Adaptability to Market Conditions:

- Month-to-month leases allow for quick adjustments to changing market conditions. This flexibility can be advantageous in dynamic markets where rental rates or property values may fluctuate.

3. Appeal to Multiple Buyer Types:

- The presence of month-to-month leases can make the property attractive to a broader range of buyers, including those seeking immediate occupancy as well as investors looking for value-add opportunities.


1. Risk and Uncertainty:

- Investors may perceive month-to-month leases as riskier due to the potential for sudden vacancies and income volatility. This perception could affect the property's valuation and the willingness of investors to pay a premium.

2. Limited Stability:

- Some buyers, especially institutional investors or those seeking a stable income stream, may prefer properties with long-term leases to ensure consistent cash flow.

3. Negotiation Challenges:

- The negotiation process may become more complex when dealing with month-to-month leases. Buyers may seek additional concessions or a lower purchase price to compensate for the perceived risks.

4. Financing Considerations:

- Some lenders may have preferences for properties with stable, long-term leases when providing financing. Month-to-month leases might affect the financing options available to potential buyers.

Strategic Recommendations:

1. Understand Buyer Preferences:

- Assess the preferences of potential buyers in your market. Some may prefer the flexibility offered by month-to-month leases, while others may prioritize stability.

2. Highlight Flexibility and Opportunities:

- Emphasize the flexibility that month-to-month leases provide. Showcase the potential for lease restructuring or the opportunity for an owner/user to take possession quickly.

3. Provide Lease Information:

- Clearly present detailed information about the month-to-month leases, including tenant history, rental rates, and the potential for lease renewal. Transparency can build trust with potential buyers.

4. Consider Dual Marketing Strategies:

- If feasible, consider marketing the property with both month-to-month leases and the option for longer-term leases. This allows you to attract a wider range of buyers.

Ultimately, the decision to have month-to-month leases should align with your overall sales goals and the preferences of potential buyers in your target market. Clear communication and a strategic approach can help position the property effectively, regardless of the lease structure.

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